In a deeply distressing incident reported on Monday, a 27-year-old medical student in Kanyakumari was discovered lifeless in her hostel room on October 6, marking a tragic loss for the academic community. According to police reports, her classmates became concerned when she didn’t attend classes on that fateful day. Their worries led them to check her hostel room, which was found locked from the inside. Even after their persistent efforts, the door remained unopened, prompting the college administration to alert the Kulasekharam Police Station.
Upon arrival, the police were compelled to break open the door, only to find the young woman deceased inside her room. Alongside her, they discovered a heart-wrenching suicide note, shedding light on the motive behind this devastating incident. The note implicated three individuals, pointing to them as the reasons behind her drastic step. The victim, a second-year PG medical student enrolled at Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, hailed from Tuticorin.
This incident adds to the alarming trend of mental health challenges faced by students, especially in high-pressure educational environments. Authorities promptly registered a case, with a female officer assigned to conduct the investigation. The profound sorrow surrounding this loss reverberates not only within the institution but also in the broader community, underscoring the urgent need for mental health support and awareness initiatives.
Tragically, this heartbreaking event follows another recent suicide case in Sikar, Rajasthan. An 18-year-old student named Nitin Faujdar took his own life while preparing for the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). The young man, hailing from Bharatpur’s Nadbai, had relocated to Sikar in June and had been residing in a private hostel in Udhyog Nagar. The incidents serve as a stark reminder of the mental and emotional challenges faced by students and the pressing need for comprehensive mental health resources and support systems within educational institutions.